Pantry Staples: Elixir Edition

An open drawer of bags of herbs, teas, jars, and small dropper bottles of tinctures

Hi, I’m Brittany and I’m a self-proclaimed beverage babe. I used to pride myself on only drinking one morning latte and then water for the rest of the day and then realized that was boring. 

There’s nothing wrong with simplicity, and certainly nothing wrong with water. You should drink some water right now, actually.

But isn’t it more fun to have a bevy of bevvies that taste good and are good for you? If we’re hydrating, let’s make it truly work for us. Here’s what i keep around in my elixir drawer  to sip on depending on my mood and what part of my cycle I’m in:

Water: Obviously, this is your base. But you’re going to want filtered water. My choice has been
bluedot for years because it’s waste-free and filters out 80+ contaminates, pharmaceuticals and even micro-plastics while leaving in the good minerals and electrolytes. So go order yourself a starter kit (which comes with a glass bkr water bottle which, if you know me, is my choice of support water bottle). Use code SAGEGLOW for 15% off.

Ok? Now that that’s done, let’s get into the drawer details.

Sakara Beauty Water Drops: make your water more hydrating with ionic trace minerals. I do a full dropper in about 32oz to sip throughout the morning.

Sakara Detox Water Drops: chlorophyll aka ‘plant blood’ to help oxygenate your cells and support GI and liver function. I do a full dropper in a few sips of water right before bed.

Golde Matcha: we’re no longer messing around with the little tins. I started getting this 100g pouch and never looked back. I’ve tried a lot of matcha and love the Golde brand because it’s pure, tasty, organic and has that bright green color that lets you know it’s real.

Earth Bean Coffee: organic, fair trade coffee that’s roasted right in LA. I love both the Secret Garden and the Malca espresso beans for my oat milk lattes.

Dandy Blend: for the days when I want coffee, but my anxiety is too high or it’s after 11am (my coffee cut-off time for good sleep) or I’m in my late Luteal or Menstrual phase (when the hormones are extra sensitive to caffeine). They say a serving is a teaspoon, but I go for more like a tablespoon or two. Make it like a latte with steamed milk and add in maca if you want that energy boost.

Anima Mundi Herbs: speaking of maca, I have a collection of Anima Mundi goods in my drawer at all times. Besides maca, I keep Collagen Booster, he shou wu for hair health (seeing if it helps all my greys!), rose powder for the heart chakra,  Adaptogenic mushroom and cacao blend, Coconut Cream Powder and Calm tea. Told you I had a collection. 

Moon Juice Blends: perfect add-in’s for coffee and hot cacao. I like Spirit Dust for when I’m in a salty mood and Sex Dust for happy hormones/when I need to do serious creative work. 

Four Sigmatic: I’ll cycle through a few of these and especially like Defend and Think.

Ashwagandha: my ride or die, hormone-loving adaptogen. I always add some to my coffee for balance and love the Sun Potion brand.

Herbal Teas: I love an afternoon or bedtime tea, especially in the winter. Plus warm drinks are so good for your digestion. Yogi Tea and Traditional Medicinals are two of my favorite brands and specifically I like to keep Soothing Caramel Bedtime, Honey Lavender Stress Relief, Comforting Chamomile, and Echinacea Plus. Earl Grey is a must for chai (right now it’s Trader Joe’s) and I also have Mountain Rose Herbs’ raspberry leaf for uterine health, nettle leaf to replenish iron after my period and rosehips because I love the taste.

Tinctures: Herb Pharm has some great blends to add to teas and water. I like lemon balm for calming Menstrual phase anxiety and cramp bark for pesky period cramps.

Other: additional must-haves for creating a variety of elixirs include raw cacao, organic maple syrup, local honey, ground turmeric/cinnamon/ginger/clove, vanilla extract and pink salt. 

If you ever come over, you better believe I'm making you a non-basic, Sage Glow elixir. Cheers!


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