Episode 04: Yoga And Your Hormones: Part I

How much do you know about your menstrual cycle?

I’ll admit, that as a grown woman in her 30’s who’s been getting her period for over 25 years, I didn’t know much until just a few years ago. It seems wild, but think about it: we’re not really taught these details. Instead, we’re shaped to believe that our period is a curse, we’re at the mercy of our hormones and there’s nothing we can do about it but suffer through.

This could not be further from the truth.

Join me as we kick off a little series entitled Yoga + Your Hormones. In this episode I share some of my personal struggles (you’ll probably relate), a mini hormone explainer (they’re responsible for more than you think) and why yoga is such a good lens through which to view hormonal health.

If you have specific questions you want me to cover in this series, DM me @theanythingglowspodcast. We’ll be talking about yoga principles and practices, some Ayurvedic wisdom and then cycle syncing and other practical ways we can nurture our hormones.

Let’s keep the conversation going on social @theanythinglgowspodcast and @sageglowstudio.


Episode 05: Yoga And Your Hormones: Part II


Episode 03: Debunking 8 Yoga Myths